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True Natural Bodybuilding

Photo Blog

I will use this page to post some random thoughts and ideas about bodybuilding as they come up in my mind and to post some recent pictures and photos when available. Please check this page regularly because it may be updated at any moment in time.

VO2 max December 2023

Friday, December 15, 2023

Today, two and a half months in my cardio-only season, I had my VO2 max measured by a cycle ergometer exercise test. Unfortunately, the timing was not perfect because I would have preferred to do it at the end of my 6 months cardio-only cycle, but the test was offered to me for free and I had to do it in 2023. Since I only began endurance training again mid-October and had a respiratory infection with fever beginning of November, I did not really get a chance to rebuild my cardiorespiratory fitness much before the test.

However, considering the rather limited amount of endurance training I did in my life, the test result was quite satisfying. I had an absolute VO2 max of 3.26 L/min, which corresponds to a relative VO2 max / height2 of 1.00 L/min.m2, which is very good for my age of almost 52 compared to the general population (see reference chart below). I think it is quite fair to estimate that my VO2 max would probably have been about 10-15% higher by the end of my 6-months cardio-only cycle, which would have put me even near the excellent category. Of course, this is still far below the VO2 max values of male elite endurance athletes at prime age, who could get as high as 1.50 L/min.m2 and above, but quite OK for me to maintain optimal health while getting older.

Your relative VO2 max / height2 is a body size independent measure for your cardiorespiratory fitness, which is a strong, independent, and modifiable risk factor for several health threats such as premature death, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. If you want to learn more about VO2 max for bodybuilders click here.

Relative VO2 max over height2 reference chart for males

Body composition December 2023

Friday, December 15, 2023

After two and a half months in my cardio-only season, I had a DEXA scan done this afternoon to determine my body composition. I measured 91 kg on the scale at 181.5 cm with a lean body mass of 81 kg and 3.28 kg of bone mass, corresponding to 7.5% of bodyfat. I did not do any specific dieting to reduce bodyfat; no calorie counting, no starving, just followed a healthy, high-protein, high-fiber, low-sugar eating pattern with lot's of selfmade TN Protein Ice Cream.

natural bodybuilder body composition

Most Muscular 2023

Tuesday, 26 September, 2023

Last workout of this bodybuilding season. I will be doing only cardio till next spring.

true natural bodybuilder most muscular

Best shots of 2023:

best true natural bodybuilder

Rebuild 2023

Tuesday, 25 July, 2023

Almost 5 months in my new bodybuilding season, after a cardio-only lay-off of 6 months. Regained 15 kg.

true natural bodybuilder rebuild 202307


Tuesday, 25 April, 2023

Almost 2 months in my new bodybuilding season, after a cardio-only lay-off of 6 months.

true natural bodybuilder midsection

Total Rebuild

Monday, 13 June, 2022

Maybe you are curious about what it looks like when I stop bodybuilding for more than a year and only do cardio training in preparation of a marathon, and then stop the cardio training and fully focus on bodybuilding again. Well, here you see it. Once I started bodybuilding, I regained 15 kg of mostly muscle mass in less than 4 months thanks to optimal nutrition and training, and of course, muscle memory.

Being over 50 now, from now on my goals is to alternate between cardio and strength training with 6 months of only cardio training (September-February) followed by 6 months of only bodybuilding (March-August). The reasons for this are that I like cardio training as much as strength training, because I like the continuous changes in my performance and physique, and because both training styles offer different benefits for fitness, health, and longevity.

During the cardio phase I only focus on my cardio-respiratory condition, and during the bodybuilding phase I only focus on my strength and physique. And with this alternating approach I always see impressive improvements in a very short period. And that is extremely motivating. So, I constantly feel that I am making great progress and never stay on a plateau for a long time. That is a very refreshing experience after having been on a bodybuilding plateau for more than 20 years. Yes, it gives me the constant feeling that I am 20 years old again.

true natural bodybuilder transformation

Marathon on elliptical cross-trainer

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Since the long gym closure due to the corona pandemic, I decided to dedicate 2021 to cardio training only. As I never did any significant endurance training before, I decided this would be a good opportunity to optimize my cardiorespiratory fitness before I turn 50. My stretch goal was to run a marathon on my elliptical (resistance level 14 of 20) in less than 4 hours. For 12 months, I trained 6 days per week at home on my Life Fitness X1 elliptical cross-trainer, a total of 50-60 km per week. Typically, I would do 4 high intensity workouts of 30 min (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri) and 2 medium intensity workouts (90 min on Sat and 120 min on Sun). I have tracked my marathon run with the Basic Workouts console of the Life Fitness X1, a Polar OH1, a Garmin Venu, and a Fitbit Charge 3. My bodyweight dropped to 84 kg at about 8% bodyfat. Time to rebuild some muscle in 2022!

natural bodybuilder marathon

natural bodybuilder garmin marathon

natural bodybuilder polar marathon

natural bodybuilder elliptical cross-trainer

Hit by the flu

Sunday, January 26, 2020

I was hit badly by the flu. High fever, no energy, no appetite. I lost 6 kg (13 lbs) body weight (probably 3-4 lbs of bodyfat and 9-10 lbs of muscle mass) in 2-3 weeks due to little eating and no training. This is how I looked right after the flu at 94 kg (207 lbs). Time to rebuild!

natural bodybuilder after flu

Body composition 2019

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

I had a DEXA scan done this morning to determine my body composition. I measured 100 kg on the scale at 181.5 cm with a lean body mass of 91.2 kg, corresponding to 8.8% of bodyfat and a fat free mass index (FFMI) of 27.7 kg/m2. Quite satisfying for my age, considering this is my every day's shape.

natural bodybuilder body composition

Side shot

Friday, June 7, 2019

Blurry selfie in the mirror of the dressing room.

natural bodybuilder side

Torso shot

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

This is what I saw Wednesday morning in the mirror.

natural bodybuilder arm

30th Anniversary

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Celebrating 30 years of training with these arm shots!

natural bodybuilder arm

Natural gun shot

Monday, December 1, 2014

True natural gun shot. BAM!

natural bodybuilder biceps

Playing most muscular with Arnold

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Playing most muscular with Arnold. Guess which side I am. :)
Click on the picture to be surprised!

true natural bodybuilder most muscular

Checking my abs

Monday, August 4, 2014

Checking out my abs at the age of 42. No cutting or cardio involved, just my everyday shape.

 natural bodybuilder abs

A random legs shot

Sunday, August 5, 2013

Yes, the legs are an important body part for bodybuilders that should not be forgotten. As there is no picture of my legs on the home page I have decided to post one here.

true natural bodybuilder legs

Visit me on Facebook

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Take a look at my pictures on Facebook and don't forget to like it. :)

True Natural BodyBuilding facebook

Posing in TNBB muscle shirt

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Posing with my cool True Natural BodyBuilding muscle shirt. If you want to help promoting the natural side of our sport, get yourself a similar T-shirt.

posing with TNBB T-shirt

HOOMLE.com launched

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Today I have launched my new web application hoomle.com. Please check it out. I'm sure you will find it a very useful tool to have your own home page and most favorite bookmarks always at hand, no matter where you go and which device you are using to access the web.

Youtube promo video launched

Sunday, December 20, 2009

In order to get a bit more exposure for this website on the internet I have decided to make a small promo video and place it on youtube: true natural bodybuilder.

Interviewed by Steve Shaw from Muscle & Strength

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A couple of months ago I was contacted by Steve Shaw from Muscle & Strength to do a interview. Muscle & Strength is one of the main natural bodybuilding websites on the internet. You can read the complete interview at muscleandstrength.com.

Visiting FIBO 2009 in Essen

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I visited today the FIBO in Essen (Germany), the biggest fitness-bodybuilding expo in Europe which takes place every year in spring. There were a few IFBB professional bodybuilders present, including Dennis James. A great chance for me to shake hands with him and get on the photo with him.

FIBO 2009 - Dennis James

Website ready and launched

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

OK, it took me more than 2 weeks to write all text and to get all pictures formatted, but finally my website is ready and online. I hope you guys and girls will like it and learn something from it. I'm always happy to hear any feedback from you: whether you like the site or not, suggestions for improvement, etc.

Thank you all for visiting,
